Did You Know: Different Kinds of People Need Different Kinds of Food?

Question 1:

Are You a Man or a Woman?



Question 2:

How old are you?

Under 30





Over 70

Question 3:

How are your energy levels throughout the day?

Steady Energy All Day

I typically maintain a steady energy level throughout the day

Low Energy Before Meals

I typically maintain steady energy but feel myself dragging before meals

Low Energy After Lunch

I experience a post-lunch slump in energy

Low Energy All Day

I’m tired and sluggish all day

Question 4:

Are you stressed often?

Yes! Almost every day


No, I’m never stressed

Question 5:

Is your sleep restful?

I sleep soundly.

I always wake up feeling refreshed.

Restless sleep.

I usually wake up one or more times at night.

Hard to fall asleep.

I have difficulty falling asleep. I toss and turn.

Question 6:

How many cups of coffee or energy drinks do you usually have a day?


1-2 a day

3-4 a day

Over 4 a day

Question 7:

Which of the following best describes your food cravings?


I tend to crave breads, pasta, and salty junk food.

Sweets & Sugar

While I may crave carbs, I specifically crave sweets and sugar.


I may crave carbs, but I specifically have cravings for chocolate.

None of these

I don’t really have any strong cravings for any of the above.

Question 8:

Which body shape best describes you?


I hold excess weight around my midsection.


I hold most of my weight around my butt & thighs.

Long and Lean

I’m relatively slim and have difficulty gaining weight.

Question 8:

Which body shape best describes you?

Square Shape

Sturdy, stocky frame that is naturally strong.

Inverted Triangle

Slimmer through my waist, bulkier up top.


I hold excess weight around my midsection.

Long and Lean

I’m relatively slim and it’s hard to gain weight.

Question 9:

Which best describes your goals?

Lose a lot of weight

I haven’t been able to lose weight in the past and want to lose 20 pounds or more

Burn fat fast

I’ve reached a plateau and want to lose the last 10 to 15 pounds of fat

Boost Energy

I feel tired and sluggish all the time and want to look and feel younger with more energy

Quiz complete

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Based on Your Answers, Dr. Anthony Capasso MD Has Put Together A Custom Video Presentation Detailing Which Foods You Should Be Eating, and Which Foods You Should Be AVOIDING

Plus you’ll also get 3 Complimentary Tips to help you

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